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Occurrence: humans.

Incubation: 2-14 days.

Symptoms: flu-like symptoms like cough and fever.

Reason for outbreaks: it got spread when an infected person, sneeze, cough or breath. The virus may survive several hours up to several days on surfaces. What impact contaminated surfaces have to the spread of the virus is not clear yet, but a certain risk is estimated.

Prevention: avoid hand shaking and close contact to other people, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Wash your hands often and carefully.

Certain information to owners of cafés and restaurants: minimize the risk of close contacts among your guests separating tables, serving your guests and make guides where to be by using tape on the floor. Make sure there is enough soap and paper towels close to sinks. Clean surfaces that your guests and staff touch often, also analyze risks and make up new routines to reduce the spread of the virus. Brief your staff carefully about new routines. Please visit www.folkhalsomyndigheten.sewww.slv.se and www.ecdc.europa.eu/en for more information. Do you need help to update your self control programme? Contact us here to get help.